Anxiety Treatment Miami

Anxiety disorders can be debilitating illnesses. They can impede your daily routine and your personal and professional relationships. While anxiety is a normal phenomenon, if you experience it at consistent levels, you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder — one of the most common psychological disorders. Luckily, anxiety is treatable. 

If you’re looking for severe anxiety therapy in Miami, consult Synergy Mental Wellness. We provide treatment for various mental disorders and related conditions in Coral Gables and Miami, including depression, ADHD, and OCD. Schedule a counseling session today if you find your anxiety or depression overwhelming. We can formulate a diagnosis and suggest the best treatment plan for your needs.

What Is Anxiety?

The American Psychological Association (APA) defined anxiety as “an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts, and physical changes like increased blood pressure.” There is a difference between regular feelings of anxiety and anxiety disorder. In the case of the latter, you may need medical treatment. Anxiety and similar health conditions can influence the mind and body of the patient, and thus, their symptoms should never be ignored. 

The condition can pose several challenges in a person’s life and even put their lives in danger in extreme cases.


Symptoms Of Anxiety

The symptoms of anxiety could differ from person to person. Not all patients experience the disorder in the same way. Here are some of the most common symptoms.

  • Restlessness
  • Uncontrollable worrying
  • Increased irritability
  • Low self-esteem
  • Insomnia
  • Difficulties with focus and concentration
  • Difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, contact us to get an official diagnosis. Synergy Mental Wellness provides anxiety disorder treatment in Coral Gables and Miami, along with treating several conditions such as eating disorders, mood disorders, depression, OCD, and insomnia.

Types of Anxiety

Anxiety disorder can take many forms. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders: Fifth Edition (DSM-V) has classified anxiety disorder into numerous types. The list includes:

  • Generalized anxiety disorders: In this disorder, people worry about nonspecific things, situations, and life events. It is one of the most common types of anxiety, and patients often find it difficult to recognize the cause of the anxiety.
  • Panic disorder: In panic disorder, the patient could experience sudden panic attacks that could lead to confusion, nausea, dizziness, shaking, and difficulties in breathing. Panic attacks happen abruptly and can escalate quickly. It may peak after 10 minutes, but some people continue to experience it for hours.
  • Selective mutism: Selective mutism is common in children. In this condition, they cannot speak in specific contexts, places, and circles. People with this condition may remain silent in social situations but may freely speak around family members.
  • Phobias: Various phobias are also associated with anxiety, such as social anxiety, agoraphobia (fear of places where it is difficult to escape), and phobias for specific things.
  • Social anxiety disorder: People may feel anxious and have intense fear when handling certain public or social situations, such as meeting new people or speaking in public. They may feel nervous in large crowds or in new areas.

Some additional types for which you’d need mental health professionals are anxiety from a medical condition, substance-induced anxiety disorders, and separation anxiety disorders. There are some other unspecified anxiety disorders as well, which don’t technically qualify for anxiety disorders, failing to meet the exact criteria, but are severe enough to become distressing in the daily lives of the patients.

Causes of Anxiety

The causes of anxiety are a complex subject. No single person experiences anxiety the same way, which shows the cause to be different, too. Here are some of the known causes of anxiety. 

  • Environmental factors:
    • Relationship problems 
    • work problems 
    • childhood or past traumatic experiences 
    • emotional or physical abuse
    • neglect 
    • loss of a child, parent, or sibling 
    • or other family issues can affect a person and trigger anxiety.
  • Genetics: Anxiety can run in the family, so if the family members of an individual suffer from an anxiety disorder, the individual is likely to suffer from it, too.
  • Medical factors: Anxiety disorders could also be a symptom of a disease, the side effects of a medication, or due to the stress of intensive surgery or recovery.
  • Brain chemistry: Anxiety disorders could be due to the misalignment of hormones and the electrical signals in the brain. 
  • Withdrawal symptoms: If someone is a recovering substance abuser, the withdrawal symptoms could include anxiety.
  • Life events: Burnout or exhaustion
    • Serious life change or uncertainty 
    • Pressure from work or school
    • Long work hours 
    • Loneliness
    • Financial problems
    • Domestic, verbal, or sexual violence

To pinpoint the exact cause of an anxiety disorder in a patient, they must be medically diagnosed by a mental health professional. Here is when you should see a professional for your anxiety:

  • You worry too much, which hinders your interpersonal relationships, work, and other spheres of your life. 
  • You frequently get upset by your fear, anxiety, and worry but are unable to control them.
  • You feel depressed, consume alcohol or drugs, or experience other mental health problems.
  • There could be a connection between your physical health and your anxiety. Look for physical symptoms as well. 
  • You have suicidal thoughts. This is an extreme-level case and requires the immediate attention of a psychology counselor. 
Overwhelmed Anxious Woman With Her Hand on Her Forehead

It’s ideal to not let yourself get anxious to this point and speak to a mental health nurse practitioner with extensive professional experience who can help you with your symptoms in Miami, Florida. 

Synergy Mental Wellness provides a supportive space, individual therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, medication, deep breathing techniques, meditation, and in-depth counseling to help our clients deal with their social and other anxiety in Coral Gables, South Beach, and South Miami, Florida. 

Schedule an appointment with us if you’re experiencing overwhelming mental health issues and physical problems such as headaches, pain, and other problems common in adolescents and older adults.

How Can Anxiety Therapy in Florida Help?

If you are feeling overwhelmed by anxiety, you should know that there is help available to you. By meeting with a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, you can work towards:

  • Setting healthy boundaries
  • Improving relaxation skills
  • Feeling more at ease and relaxed
  • Letting go of perfectionism
  • Treating anxiety disorders (panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder)
  • Developing a self-care routine that helps you feel your best
  • Becoming more mindful of your behaviors, thoughts, and emotions
  • Developing self-compassion
  • Living a life that is in line with your values
  • Improving your sleep habits 
  • Being more present in your life

At Synergy Mental Wellness in Miami, Florida, we can help you get on track through noninvasive treatment, such as talk therapy sessions that will help you find coping skills to deal with your anxiety. 

Ways to Help Manage Anxiety

A licensed mental health counselor can help you find an effective treatment for stress management with many anxiety disorders and other mental health conditions. Some ways you can manage anxiety include the following:

  • Relaxing the muscles in your body and controlling your breathing. This can be done through exercises like guided meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, and mindful meditation
  • Changing the way you think in order to look at alternative solutions to a situation that may cause anxiety
  • Engaging in physical exercise will help sharpen your mind, get you stronger, help you push through exhaustion and pain, and give you energy 
  • Seek help in ending alcohol and drug abuse 
  • Simplify the things in your life that add avoidable and unnecessarily stressful situations
  • Allow yourself the time needed to recharge, including a good night’s sleep
  • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet 
  • Talk with a trusted friend or family member
  • Keep a journal to track your feelings 
Person Holding A Hand On Her Chest

Miami Anxiety Treatment 

The treatment at Synergy Mental Wellness is created to be outpatient, even through telehealth, so that there is very little disruption to your daily life. We understand that balancing self-care with the loads of everyday responsibilities can be challenging, which is why we aim to support you through the therapies that will benefit you the most. We offer fluidity and flexibility when planning treatments. Anxiety treatment is meant to reduce stress, and you should feel comfortable with the plan set in place.

When Should I Seek Treatment for Anxiety?

Anxiety can appear differently from one person to the next. Some have mild anxiety, and others may feel as though there is no end in sight to their worry. When deciding if it is time to seek treatment for anxiety, you should think about how you feel about what you are experiencing. Is anxiety getting in the way of daily life (work, school, caring for your family) and things you want to do (hobbies, activities)?

It’s normal to feel slight anxiety when things change in your life or the lives of your loved ones. Some common symptoms of anxiety are nervousness, worry, and tiredness. They should be temporary feelings and not something that lingers or overwhelms your life. Changes in your life can feel bad or good and just require some adjustment time.

If talking with friends and family, using your usual coping skills, and sleeping well does not help you handle the anxiety you are feeling, it may be time to speak with an anxiety therapist. If the feeling of sadness, worry, or nervousness continues or occurs more intensely and more often, it is crucial you address these emotions. Psychotherapy can be beneficial if you are showing symptoms of social phobias, OCD, panic disorders, and other related conditions. If your anxiety begins to affect how you live your daily life for two weeks or longer, this could be the time to seek professional help.

You know yourself better than anyone. If your feelings are stronger than normal, or you are having a difficult time coping how you normally would, seeking therapy can help get your life back on track. Remember that it is never too early to seek treatment when you are experiencing anxiety — and it’s never too late. You shouldn’t worry if you feel like you have waited too long. Our psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner is available to help you find better coping skills and end the suffering anxiety has caused you.

Anxiety and depression, when left untreated, can cause physical distress, lowered self-esteem, and other life-altering issues, including drug and alcohol abuse. By allowing yourself to receive treatment, you are giving yourself your life back. You deserve to be happy and healthy, and putting yourself first will benefit those around you.

Which Treatment Is Best For Anxiety Disorders 

Medication and psychotherapy are the two most commonly used treatments for anxiety disorders. 

One of the most effective psychotherapies used is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) because it teaches skills that will help improve the patient’s symptoms and allow them to gradually return to the tasks and activities that their anxiety has caused them to avoid.

In addition to psychotherapy, medications are often part of a treatment plan. There are certain antidepressants used to treat anxiety disorders. There is not one medication that will cure anxiety in every person. It is typically trial and error to determine which treatment will work best for individual cases.

Why Choose Synergy Mental Wellness For Anxiety Disorders In Miami, Florida

Synergy Mental Wellness provides telemedicine psychiatric services to treat various mental health conditions, including social anxiety. We help our clients cope with their disorders on a daily basis and provide long-term anxiety treatment based on their unique needs and conditions. Once we have diagnosed you with a condition, we will suggest the best treatment plan for you, including medications, cognitive behavioral therapy, and other options in Miami. 

However, no treatment would ever be forced on you. Client comfort is our number one priority. From our infrastructure to our staff, everything about our facility is in place to create a safe space for our clients. Here, you can be transparent about all your issues, and we will help you navigate each of them one day at a time. 

The best part is that you can get online therapy as well with a counselor from our team. Our advanced structure, which includes secure HIPAA-compliant video software, allows you to be treated right from the comfort of your home. With online therapy, you can receive anxiety or depression treatment on your own terms and feel at ease while sharing your problems. We have helped hundreds this way. Fill out a new patient form and schedule a counseling session with us to get started on your online therapy in Miami, Florida.

Patient Talking With the Doctor While They're Taking Notes

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are Some Questions to Ask When Anxiety Hits You?

If you suffer from an anxiety disorder, you should consult a therapist or counselor. However, between the sessions, knowing how to cope with the symptoms is essential. Here are some questions to ask yourself to manage your symptoms:

  • Will things change if I worry about it?
  • Can I control the situation? What can I control?
  • Am I safe?
  • How can I deal with this situation if I’m in control?
  • What’s the one thing that can make me feel better?
  • Who might be able to help me?

These questions might help you navigate your anxious thoughts and lead you to closure. If you find yourself stressing or spiraling out of control, then it’s essential to seek help. You can consult a licensed clinical psychologist or psychiatric counselor and get the right guidance in Miami, Florida. 

Who Is at Risk for Anxiety?

There is no specific profile of a patient prone to anxiety. A lot of people suffer from normal and healthy anxiety. However, children who have experienced traumatic events or abuse are likely to develop anxiety disorders later in life. The same is the case with adults as well. The triggers for anxiety or stress could differ for different people, with age being the critical factor. Physical and emotional abuse could trigger anxiety.