ADHD Treatment Portland Oregon

Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, formerly known as Attention Deficit Disorder, is a debilitating and often misunderstood psychiatric condition. It affects both adults and children. The condition can be treated with both therapy and medication.

A general practitioner or pediatrician may diagnose a child with ADHD. However, it is always best to receive an opinion from a mental health professional because the condition is often misdiagnosed. If a person who does not have ADHD takes medicine intended for someone who does, it can be dangerous and addictive. 

Diagnosis of ADHD should include a series of cognitive tests.

What is ADHD?

ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder most often diagnosed in childhood. However, adults suffer from it as well. It affects attention span, emotional regulation, and the ability to plan activities. 

Symptoms of ADHD In Children

Synergy Mental Wellness focuses on treating adult ADHD. You have probably heard this is a disease that primarily affects children. Although both adults and children can have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, the symptoms will differ.

Adults who suffer from ADHD may lose hope and feel depressed easily. They can feel so discouraged they will not finish projects. A person who suffers from this psychological disorder may think other people do not understand them. It can affect both professional and personal relationships. 

Adults with ADHD may have trouble controlling their emotions. They are often unable to maintain a job and often find themselves changing professions. Feeling anxious is common. 

Like children with ADHD, adults will often have mood swings. They are likely to suffer from low self-esteem.

When you become our patient, we will make a treatment plan to help address emotional regulation and impulse control. This is done by using a combination of individual psychotherapy and medication.

What Causes ADHD?

Genetics is considered a leading factor in ADHD for both children and adults. However, researchers are investigating other problems such as brain injury, low birth rate, or premature delivery. There is evidence to suggest that alcohol or tobacco use during pregnancy may also cause ADHD. A person with ADHD may develop personality disorders such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder or bipolar disorder. 

Treatments for ADHD

When we treat someone with ADHD, our goal is to help them manage this chronic condition. We want to teach people to prioritize tasks, keep appointments and be more organized. We have a special method of teaching people with ADHD to be more organized, communicate better with others, and eat healthier. Healthy habits can have a great impact when managing your ADHD.

In some cases, we prescribe medicine for a person with ADHD. We understand every patient is an individual, and there is no uniform solution to treating this complex condition. When treating ADHD, mental health professionals almost always try behavioral therapy and counseling before medication. 


When a patient has an appointment, we ask about their medical history, allergies, and other mental health problems they have had. This is all critical information for determining which medication is best suited for each patient. 

There are several different forms of medications that are used in the treatment of ADHD for both adults and children. Medication is a common form of treatment, often used alongside other treatments, to help patients diagnosed with ADHD. There are many options available for patients who require a prescription medication as part of their ADHD treatment plan. For this reason, it is best to understand what medications are available, and discuss with your practitioner what option may be best for you. The following is a list of commonly used prescription medications designed to treat ADHD.    


Lisdexamfetamine has been shown to improve the attention span of people 18 to 24 who took the medication to treat ADHD. It takes about two hours to work and is taken once a day. It can be taken by patients who are as young as age 6. 


Guanfacine can be used as part of a treatment method to control the symptoms of ADHD. The medication is effective at addressing symptoms of ADHD. Guanfacine works by relaxing blood vessels in the body and is a non-stimulant medication.


Clonidine is also a prescription medication used for treating ADHD. Clonidine is typically used alongside other treatments to help patients diagnosed with ADHD. Similarly to Guanfacine, Clonidine is also a non-stimulant medication, making it a better option for certain patients. 


Methylphenidate is a drug used to stimulate the central nervous system. It is used to treat narcolepsy as well as ADHD. It is taken a couple of times a day and comes in capsule, chewable or dissolvable form. 


Dexamfetamine stimulates central nervous syndrome. It is used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy and to help athletes enhance their performance. It has been used in diet pills in the past. It is taken to improve cognitive performance and is commonly known as Ritalin.

Patients will take the drug two to three times a day, about half an hour before eating. You can get the drug in capsule, pill, or chewable form.  


Atomoxetine is a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor. It restores the balance of neurotransmitters and works by increasing the levels of norepinephrine in the brain. Atomoxetine is a non-stimulant prescription medication. 

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has always been challenging to manage. However, Synergy Mental Wellness has successfully treated many patients. We are very familiar with ADHD symptoms and use a wide variety of techniques to manage them.

Other Services

In addition to ADHD treatment, we also offer treatment for anxiety and depression. Our understanding psychiatric provider can address any concerns you have. They will create a therapy program for you that will focus on helping you live a happier, more productive life. Give us a call today.